If you are charged with DUI there are several things you should consider before admitting guilt.
First of all, breathalyzers need regular calibration to maintain accuracy. If not calibrated properly or if they’re out of calibration, they may produce inaccurate readings.
There are also environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure that can affect the accuracy of a breathalyzer. For instance, extreme temperatures can alter the functioning of the device.
Incorrect usage of the breathalyzer by the operator can lead to inaccurate readings. Not following the instructions properly or not waiting the required amount of time before blowing into the device can affect the results.
If the timing of the test is not proper residual alcohol in the mouth can contaminate the breath sample and lead to higher readings. This can happen if the individual has recently consumed alcohol, used mouthwash, or had certain medical conditions.
Like any electronic device, breathalyzers can malfunction. Components may degrade over time or due to physical damage, leading to inaccurate readings.
Interference from Substances: Certain substances other than alcohol can interfere with breathalyzer readings. For example, substances like acetone (found in nail polish remover) or certain medications can produce false positives.
Variations in Breath Composition: Breathalyzer readings are based on the assumption that the ratio of alcohol in the breath is directly proportional to that in the blood. However, individual variations in breath composition can affect this ratio and lead to inaccurate readings.
If you have been charged with driving under the influence consider calling Mark C. Dewland at 609-472-1377 and get the help you need.
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